

March 15, 2010… The industry’s leading manufacturer of aeration and fountain systems, Barebo Inc. celebrates their 30th anniversary of their incorporation. Purchased from Rodale Resources and incorporated in 1980 by Chuck & Terry Barebo, the Otterbine aerator was originally invented in 1952 by Dick Ott and was primarily used in the wastewater and aquaculture markets. With a commitment to the environment from the onset, and the products natural ability to improve water quality in ponds and lakes – Chuck and Terry successfully pursued the untapped potential for the product in the Golf, Commercial and Residential markets. The Barebo family tradition and commitment of providing superior products has strengthened over the years as the second generation of Barebo’s evolved into the business; and combined with the alliances created within the industry has allowed Otterbine to remain the industry leader for over two decades. This success has made the Otterbine name synonymous for water aeration equipment worldwide. “We pride ourselves for delivering the highest quality, efficient and most reliable products to market, and we support this with the industry’s strongest warranties,” states Carla Ott, President of Barebo, Inc. Ott continues to say, “Our success has come from our devotion to serving the needs of our business partners, customers and the environment and we continually invest in the research and development of providing the most effective and natural solutions to improving water quality so it can be enjoyed for generations to come.” To learn more about the history of Otterbine Barebo, Inc. or the products they offer visit their website at

Otterbine Barebo, Inc. has been setting industry standards in water quality management for over 60 years by combining both function and beauty with their extensive line of surface aerators, subsurface aerators and giant fountains. Otterbine products are available through their worldwide distribution and service network.

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