- Broad-spectrum control of turf nematodes including root-knot, lance and sting
- Enhanced root growth and drought tolerance on greens, tees and fairways
- Ideal for use as part of a season-long agronomic program
Golf course superintendents in California can now manage plant parasitic nematodes such as lance, root knot and sting through the proven control of Divanem® nematicide from Syngenta. With the nematicide active ingredient abamectin, Divanem helps improve root growth resulting in enhanced turf quality through broad-spectrum control of nematodes on golf course tees, greens and fairways.
“By offering Divanem to superintendents in California, we are meeting their needs for reliable nematode control and improved aesthetics and playability for their courses,” said Stephanie Schwenke, turf market manager at Syngenta. “Since being introduced in other states in 2016, Divanem has become an integral part of agronomic programs to help control these elusive, but very damaging pests.”
When used as part of an agronomic program with trusted solutions like Heritage® Action™ fungicide, superintendents can simultaneously manage nematodes while preventing additional stresses turf can encounter when weakened. When turf roots are damaged by nematodes, the plant is unable to effectively absorb water and nutrients from the soil. A damaged root system also weakens the plant and decreases its ability to defend itself against biotic and abiotic stress like heat, drought and disease, which can negatively impact turf quality.
“Damaged and stressed turf is more susceptible to infection, so using Divanem with Heritage Action provides nematode control against species like root-knot while boosting turf’s defenses against disease pathogens,” said Dean Mosdell, Ph.D., technical services manager for turf at Syngenta. “Heritage Action fungicide delivers proven control of soil-borne disease with a boost of acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) for enhanced biotic and abiotic stress management.”
Divanem is available in a package containing two half-gallon jugs and qualifies for yearlong savings as part of the GreenTrust® 365 program, which runs until December 7, 2018. It is also available as part of a Multipak with one half-gallon of
Divanem and five one-pound bottles of Heritage Action in a convenient combination to treat five acres.
Additional resources
- More information and trial photos: com/Divanem
- Nematode scouting: com/NematodeKnowledge or Seeing the unseen: how to scout for nematodes
- Nematicide program approach: Program approaches for season-long nematode management
- Success story: How one superintendent keeps roots strong, even when nematodes strike
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