
Mapping sessions planned for GIS (Feb 10)

February 10, 2015 – Golf course superintendents are invited to join WinField at the 2015 Golf Industry Show booth #6072 for a free GeoTech Tool mapping session. The WinField GeoTech Tool is a comprehensive precision maintenance system. Using proprietary software to generate satellite imagery, the WinField GeoTech Tool collects and aggregates complete plant health information within a defined area.

Using the easy-to-understand GeoTech maps, WinField specialists can help superintendents identify management zones and build a plan to maximum efficiency, which could result in significant savings on the course. Long term use of this mapping system can also help:

— Communicate problem areas and solutions
— Validate management practices
— Monitor changes over time

Superintendents who join WinField at GIS in booth #6072 and have their course mapped will earn 30 seconds to grab a prize inside the WinField money grab machine.


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