If your golf course is already an Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary Program for Golf facility or is in the process of earning this...
With over fifty years of experience in the golf industry as a player and in turf maintenance, Joseph Hubbard, CGCS brings unlimited...
The folks at Audubon International speak proudly about the accomplishments of all the superintendents who achieve Audubon certification at their facilities. Given...
While Frank LaVardera, Audubon International’s Director of Environmental Programs for Golf, praises all the dedicated superintendents who have worked to earn and...
In a year that has felt both strangely compressed and vastly over-extended, demands on golf course superintendents may finally be leveling out....
Some things are worth waiting for. Twenty-four years to be exact. In 1996, Keller Golf Course Superintendent Paul Diegnau was approached by a boy...
Anuvia Plant Nutrients and Audubon International announce a partnership that will include a multi-year study to evaluate the environmental, sustainability and performance...
Nearly 1,000 volunteers visited golf courses worldwide to participate in Audubon International’s 5th annual BioBlitz. This event, sponsored by the United States...
Frank LaVardera has been named the Director of Environmental Programs for Golf (ACSP) at Audubon International, the trusted name in environmental stewardship...
Audubon International is pleased to announce that superintendents at its Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary member courses won all of the individual awards at...