Irrigation and Drainage

TeeJet Technologies Launches All New Electromagnetic Flow Meter

Electromagnetic Flow Meters FM9380-F75

The FM9380-F75 is a brand-new design of flow meter from TeeJet® Technologies.  This innovative design contains no moving parts which means no service or maintenance requirements and has no risk of clogging.  It has been optimized for agricultural application equipment and works with any conducting fluid.

This clean-sheet design offers the best operating range in the industry. It balances excellent low-flow performance with the ability to handle high flow rates without pressure loss.  It is unaffected by changes in fluid temperature, density, viscosity, concentration, and electrical conductivity.  The FM9380 comes with lifetime factory calibration and will never require any field calibration.

“The engineering team at TeeJet really delivered with this electromagnetic flow meter,” says Doug Gamm, Sales and Marketing Director for Precision Farming Products at TeeJet Technologies.  “The innovative product was designed with today’s spraying applications in mind. It requires no maintenance, is easy to connect to your TeeJet control system or other control systems as well.  The FM9380 is designed for years of trouble-free operation. Plus, the unprecedented wide flow range means it can handle the widest booms, but also provide flawless performance with just 1 or 2 nozzles spraying.”

The FM9380 has a flow range from 0.6 GPM to 100 GPM with a low pressure drop of 4 psi at 100 GPM.  It is rated to a maximum pressure rating of 200 nopsi and is fully compatible with TeeJet 75 series and Banjo® 200 series flanged connections.  For more information, please contact your local TeeJet distributor or go to

TeeJet Technologies manufactures a comprehensive line of products including agricultural spray nozzles for various herbicide/fungicide applications, boom components, valves/manifolds, strainers, and spray guns, as well as GPS guidance systems, sprayer control systems, ISOBUS job computers, assisted steering systems and other precision farming products. In addition, TeeJet Technologies continues to invest in research and development to advance precision application and control technology.

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