We will be starting our greenbank sodding project on Monday September 27. Our goal is to complete 6-9 greenbanks throughout the week. On Monday we will start on holes #1 and #3 then move west throughout the golf course. Each greenbank will be striped of the older less desirable grasses, soil will be added to the high traffic areas, and finally new sod will be installed. Holes # 2 and #10 were completed last fall and held up great throughout the entire summer.
The driving range tee will be seeded on Tuesday September 21. Sod will be laid around the tee and around the bunkers in the landing area. The irrigation has been installed and is up and running. There are 56 irrigation heads that have been installed on the tee and landing area. There were 16 irrigation heads on the driving range tee and landing area prior to the project. The concrete has been poured and is ready for the artificial mat installation. The mat will be installed in the spring.