
Dr. Gordon Kauffman III Named Technical Manager for Turf and Ornamental (Feb 19)

February 19, 2015 – BRANDT, a leading manufacturer of agricultural specialty products and owner of Grigg Brothers, has named Dr. Kauffman Technical Manager for the Turf and Ornamental business. Kauffman’s primary focus will be new product development, trials and market development of the Grigg Brothers and BRANDT turf and ornamental product portfolios.

Dr. Kauffman holds a Ph.D. in Agronomy from Penn State University and has over 17 years of experience in the turf industry. Prior to this, Kauffman was an Agronomist and Technical Representative for Grigg Brothers and Technical Sales Support Specialist at Syngenta; where he performed cross-functional roles in sales, marketing and product development. Kauffman has taught agronomy; authored numerous peer review and trade journal articles; and lectured on turfgrass physiology and management throughout North America, Europe and Asia.

“We are very excited to see Gordon move into this position” said Bill Engel, BRANDT Senior Vice President. “He has been a great asset to Grigg Brothers and an outstanding technical resource. We couldn’t be more pleased.”

“BRANDT’s purchase of Grigg Brothers has resulted in extensive collaboration and discussion on how we can advance the turf and ornamental specialty products available to the market today,” said Kauffman. “I’m thrilled to step into this new role and to have the opportunity to bring the most innovative products to our customers.”

BRANDT, Grigg Brothers and BRANDT iHammer, will be exhibiting together in Booth # 8034 at the 2015 Golf Industry Show in San Antonio, TX February 25-28.

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