Fame fungicides, a family of FRAC 11 group (Strobilurin) products that deliver fast-acting, patented fluoxastrobin protection against all major patch, spot and mold diseases, are now available from FMC. Rainfast in 15 minutes, Fame fungicides can be used on all types of golf course turf and provide rapid foliar and root uptake.
“Proven by extensive university research, Fame fungicides offer fluoxastrobin action, which ensures a high degree of systemic activity to provide very rapid disease protection and stop further growth of established disease,” said Naimur Rahman, strategy and fungicides marketing product manager for FMC. “Since golf course superintendents’ work is always in the spotlight, they can’t afford failure due to disease infestations. Fame will help them succeed.”
The Fame fungicide family includes:
— Fame SC: A suspension concentrate fungicide containing fluoxastrobin that controls all major turfgrass diseases, including anthracnose, blight and root dysfunction, fairy ring, summer patch, gray leaf spot, and light-to-moderate infestations of dollar spot. It provides rapid foliar and root uptake with xylem and translaminar movement.
— Fame Granular: A spreadable, competitively priced fluoxastrobin fungicide that offers flexible surface application and excellent uptake and movement within the plant, ensuring fast-acting disease protection.
— Fame +C: A suspension concentrate fungicide that combines the systemic activity of fluoxastrobin and the proven contact action of chlorothalonil to provide a complete turf fungicide premix. Fame +C offers broad-spectrum protection against 30 prevalent diseases, including anthracnose and brown patch.
— Fame +T: A suspension concentrate combination of fluoxastrobin and tebuconazole that optimizes resistance management with dual modes of action. University testing has shown that it protects against both root and shoot diseases, including dollar spot, snow mold and spring dead spot, and major patch diseases. Fame +T delivers two layers of disease protection.
“With systemic and contact activity, Fame +C brings turf managers the best of both worlds for disease control,” Rahman said. “Fame +T, with two layers of systemic protection, optimizes resistance management.”
Fame fungicides offer quick penetration of leaf surfaces and foliar uptake, providing translaminar movement throughout the plant tissue. At the same time, systemic root activity allows turf plants to readily take up fluoxastrobin and translocate it throughout the xylem to all plant parts. Since fluoxastrobin is rainfast within 15 minutes, using Fame fungicides provides flexibility to work around irrigation schedules and sudden rainstorms.